You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import ClientContainer from "../ClientContainer";
import Kettle from "../Kettle";
import User from "./User";
class Repository {
readonly api: ClientContainer;
// TODO: Implement outcommented properties
allow_merge_commits!: boolean;
allow_rebase!: boolean;
allow_rebase_explicit!: boolean;
allow_squash_merge!: boolean;
archived!: boolean;
avatar_url!: string;
clone_url!: string;
created_at!: string; // Date-time
default_branch!: string;
description!: string;
empty!: boolean;
// external_tracker: ExternalTracker;
// external_wiki: ExternalWiki;
fork!: boolean;
forks_count!: number;
full_name!: string;
has_issues!: boolean;
has_projects!: boolean;
has_pull_requests!: boolean;
has_wiki!: boolean;
html_url!: string;
id!: number;
ignore_whitespace_conflicts!: boolean;
internal!: boolean;
// internal_tracker: InternalTracker;
mirror!: boolean;
mirror_interval!: string;
name!: string;
open_issues_count!: number;
open_pr_counter!: number;
original_url!: string;
owner: User;
// TODO: Research this. Swagger says it's an empty, typeless object.
// Interestingly enough, in practice it sometimes doesn't exist at all.
// Current theory is a shallow copy of a fork's source.
parent: unknown;
// permissions: Permission;
private!: boolean;
release_counter!: number;
size!: number;
ssh_url!: string;
stars_count!: number;
template!: boolean;
updated_at!: string; //Date-time
watchers_count!: number;
website!: string;
constructor(client: ClientContainer, data: any) {
Object.assign(this, data);
this.owner = new User(client, data.owner);
this.api = client;
public equals(repo: Repository)
return ===;
public static async _get(client: ClientContainer, ownerOrOwnRepositoryName: string, repositoryName?: string) {
// In most cases, both parameters are filled
let owner = ownerOrOwnRepositoryName;
let repository = repositoryName;
if (repositoryName == undefined) {
// No owner was given, we can assume we want our client's own repository
// ownerOrOwnRepositoryName is assumed to be the repository name
// TODO: Cache our selfuser and get this from cache
owner = (await User._get(client)).login;
repository = ownerOrOwnRepositoryName;
const res = await client._get(`/repos/${owner}/${repository}`);
return new Repository(client, res);
export default Repository;